South Central Katahdin Association (SCKA) - Katahdin Hair Sheep
South Central Katahdin Association (SCKA) is a regional group of Katahdin hair sheep breeders covering states from Texas to Georgia –
including Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas,
and Virginia. Each representative of our association is a member of Katahdin Hair Sheep International (KHSI). Formed in 1999 in New
Iberia, LA, what started with a small group of Katahdin hair sheep breeders representing the Gulf Coast states has now grown to a
membership in these fourteen states.
The goal of the South Central Katahdin Association is threefold:
To provide a marketing alliance for all members of the SCKA,
To provide fellowship for our association, and
To assist breeders of the Katahdin Hair Sheep in the sale and promotion of
the breed.
Thank you for visiting our website! And a note: If a visitor contacts one of our
members from our site, please remember that all sales agreements are between
you and the individual selling their sheep.
President’s Message
Hello everyone!
Where has this year gone? The board has really stepped it up this year with our
annual meeting in Fayetteville, AR and a field day in Lake Charles, LA, both very
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving day. Looking to 2025 we will have our
annual meeting/gathering in New Albany, MS. If budget allows we plan to have a
field day later in the year at a new location. As you know it is time to join/renew
those membership. I want to thank everyone that made these events such a
I hope EVERYONE has a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!
From the White Barn, President Jim Hill
Payment through PayPal
© 2025 South Central Katahdin Association • All Rights Reserved
• No portion of this website may be reproduced without the
express written consent of South Central Katahdin Association.
SCKA FB page, "South Central Katahdin Assn-SCKA" is also a source for info regarding current and upcoming
events among the regional groups for educational purposes, along with our "Sheep Corner" Facebook page.
2024 Katahdin Events
Louisiana Fall Field Day, Lake Charles, LA,
October 19, 2024. An overview available here.
2025 Katahdin Events
Annual Gathering & Private Treaty Sale
May 30-31, 2025, New Albany, MS
Vice President’s Message
Greetings everyone. I trust everyone had a great Thanksgiving! I would guess everyone is finishing up their breeding season for
spring lambing. Winter is starting to show up here in the south with temperatures dropping into the lower 30's, at least hurricane
season is over with.
Our field day that was held in Lake Charles, La., in October was successful. The highlight, of the event in my opinion, was a
demonstration of a liver biopsy on a standing ewe. The purpose of the live liver biopsy is to determine copper levels on the farm
in real time instead of having to sacrifice an animal everytime copper levels are needed.
Our annual gathering is set for May 30th and 31st 2025, in New Albany, Ms. We will begin finalizing items for the event after the
first of the year. I feel we have a great lineup of speakers for the event. I hope everyone will save the date and many of you
will be able to attend our meeting. I hope each of you have a safe and blessed Holiday Season.
Angekiki Polles, Vice President